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NOVEMBER 14, 2007

Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Peter Lacy, Maria Dell'Ovo, Rick Bates, Bob Ripley, Glenn Gaudette, Marilynn Foley

The meeting was called to order at 7:05.

Chris Luchessi, Chairman of the PSBC, made a presentation to the Finance Committee and members of the IIF.  The PSBC does not have a formal recommendation yet, but wanted to make this presentation in order to receive feedback from us.  The Finance Committee will discuss this project at their next meeting.

The Annual Report of the WRSD was passed out to the Committee.

On a motion by Paul 2nd by Al, the minutes of October 24, 2007 were voted unanimously (abstained Glenn).

Al and Bob attended the ATFC meeting and reported to the Committee.

Peter reported on the Ambulance Study Committee.  They are gathering information and expect to be finished by the end of December.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Respecfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary